Thursday, December 4, 2008

Where To Begin? Again.

So I decided to bring the blog back. That's right...I've had a lot of things to say recently and it's about time you started listening!

Since I've been home for a little more than a month I've been on the job hunt for work. Specifically in baseball, more specifically in player development with a Major League ball club. So far, that process has been largely unsuccessful, but I hope that's mostly a reflection of the timing of the industry. Most organizations do their hiring over the winter around the Winter Meetings.

Recently, I've spent a lot of my time trying to keep up with what's been happening within the sport. I've been doing that by reading articles in the press, websites, watching video, some interesting blogs, primary documents, a few books, and one message board. I'm sure we'll get to some specifics later. I also get a kick out of bouncing ideas off my friends, family, and roommates who humor me by listening to my rants every once in a while. Thanks to all.

In addition to all that nonsense I'm trying to build up the few relationships I've made over the years so that I will get an opportunity to interview along with hundreds of other applicants for a few internship opportunities in the coveted Baseball Operations Departments within the game. No one said this is easy.

Over the next week I'll bring you into my world. This is mostly a baseball related world, but this will tend to get a bit personal as I'll try to describe the trials and tribulations associated with a career in the field. I realize not everyone who reads this will be interested in the baseball stuff or even my own personal thoughts, but it could be interesting to those who think it's fun to chase after something just a little bit out of reach. And I think everyone can relate to that.

We'll kick the renewal of the blog off with some particularly uplifting news regarding the odds that face me as I head out to Las Vegas with hundreds of other folks begging for work in the National Pastime: Jays Cut 24 Front Office Jobs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go get 'em