Sunday, September 28, 2008


So it's Saturday night and I'm in Billings, Montana and I finally found a campground with, ahem, wireless Internet. It sure was rough going there for a while! I'll try and do a quick update of the last few days in the next few posts. Tomorrow morning I will pick up the family at the airport and we will travel over to Yellowstone National Park. Just as a disclaimer so you don't think I'm neglecting you, the fans. I may not make another post after tonight for a few days depending on what the tech situation is over there.

But first to backtrack just a bit: Thursday I made the trek to the Badlands in southwest South Dakota. The prairie begins to erode into the ground and then out pops these peaks right out of the ground. Then you know you are there because it's quite a contrast from the farmland in the last fifty million states. The park looks like you're on another planet, although I must admit I don't have personal experience to compare that to.

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